As a busy, single mom of two boys in their upper teens, I can say that time flies. I have never liked the saying: Bigger kids, Bigger problems. I think it minimizes the experiences of parents of children younger rather than showing compassion for their situation. All ages and stages of parenting have the Good, the Bad, the Ugly, the Messy, and the Neutral. I am grateful for all of these moments. I love being a parent.

Being a parent to a teenager requires a shift in the autonomy of your child. As your child grows, so does their social life. Late-night parties are often part of the package. I encourage you all to volunteer to be the designated driver for your teen. Being the driver of just your child or their friend group after a party can open up a window into their social world that you might not have anticipated.

Here are a few reasons why taking on the late-night chauffeur role can be an enlightening experience:

Insight into Friendships: When you’re driving your teen and their friends home, you get to see who they are hanging out with. You can ask about these friends and begin to understand the dynamics of their social circle. If it is just a ride with your child, you will provide them with the freedom to speak their mind without a filter.

Overhearing Conversations: In the car, your teen might not be focused on the fact that you can overhear their conversations with friends. You’ll have the chance to hear what’s on their minds, their interests, and even any concerns they might have. Topics such as drinking, vaping, drugs, hookups, drama, and fights may come up.

Casual Chats: The car provides a comfortable environment for casual chats. You can use this time to ask open-ended questions about their experiences, the party, or any challenges they might be facing. Please try to under-react to this information and take in what they have to say.

Bonding Time: Late-night drives can be a great opportunity to bond. While your teen might not always be willing to share everything, they’re more likely to open up during these quieter moments. Use your two ears and listen well.

Safety and Trust: By offering to be the late-night driver, you’re showing your commitment to your teen’s safety and well-being. This act of trust can strengthen your parent-child relationship.

Late-night drives offer you a glimpse into your teenager’s social life while allowing you to be there for them when they need it most. It’s a win-win situation that can lead to deeper understanding and connection. So, the next time your teen needs a ride home after a late-night party, seize the opportunity to better know their social world and strengthen your bond. No matter the time or situation, I have let my kids know that I will get them from any place without question. I may be tired the next day, but I have gained so much!