Happy Monday, my fellow fabulous parents. I enjoy watching kids joyfully walk throughout the supermarket with their mismatched socks and tutus on. Or the costume to the pet store….

As parents, we often want to guide our children in everything they do, including how they dress. However, allowing children to pick out their own clothes—when appropriate—can be incredibly beneficial for their development.

Here is why we should celebrate these choices:

  • It Fosters Independence: Choosing their own clothes gives children a sense of autonomy. It’s a small but significant way for them to practice making decisions, which helps build their confidence and independence. *I love the little sas in their steps as they walk with pride.
  • It Encourages Self-Expression: Clothing is a form of self-expression, even for kids. When they pick out their own outfits, they can explore their unique preferences, whether it’s bright colors, fun patterns, or specific styles. This freedom allows them to express their personalities and feel good about their choices. *They are so cute doing so.
  • It Teaches Responsibility: Letting kids choose their clothes helps them learn about responsibility. They’ll understand the importance of weather-appropriate clothing and ensure their outfits suit different occasions. (Gently offer suggestions and share how you dress for the occasion with them.) Over time, they’ll better understand what works and what doesn’t, empowering them to make more thoughtful decisions.
  • It Reduces Power Struggles: When kids are given some control over what they wear, it can reduce daily battles. Parents can guide them without taking away their sense of choice by providing boundaries, such as offering a few weather-appropriate options. ****I am stuck on weather these days, lol. ****This compromise can lead to more peaceful mornings and a happier home.

I hope you can all incorporate this small step of independence into your child’s routine. It can boost their confidence, creativity, and sense of responsibility—all while making everyday tasks like getting dressed a little more fun!


Dr. Marnee